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Yoni Steaming

what is yoni steaming?

Also known as vaginal steaming chai-yok (Korean) or bajo (Mayan), it is an ancient, holistic practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina. This ancient practice has been going on for thousands of years in countries in Asia, Africa, Caribbean and South America. The practice is said to have many benefits and is about more than uterine health, it brings a reconnection to the female body and to the wisdom of plant medicine. 


Yoni is a Sanscrit word meaning ‘vagina’, ‘womb’, ‘goddess’ or ‘origin of life’ ‘divine passage’, ‘sacred temple’. Recently Yoni steaming has become rediscovered in the Western world and women spend quite a bit of money to go to a spa and receive this luxury, but it can easily be done at home with your own herbs or one of our herbal blends.

What are the benefits of Yoni steaming?

​There has been little scientific research done regarding vaginal steaming, these include ... Despite this, many testimonials have been made by women around d the world of their healing experiences from steaming. Given the medicinal properties in herbs and the permeating effect of steam, it is not hard to understand how this could be beneficial. Steaming increases circulation, clears the uterus of stagnation, balances vaginal flora and regulates the menstrual cycle which can all lead to many wonderful benefits.


Some of these benefits include:

  • Alleviate PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps

  • Reduce pain from endometriosis

  • Ease menopausal symptoms

  • Bringing on menstrual flow

  • Decrease/reduce menstrual flow

  • Tone and speed healing postpartum

  • Reduce fibroids and cysts

  • Relieve vaginal infections and dryness

  • Increase fertility

  • Release emotions and trauma

  • Reconnect you to your divine feminine

How to yoni steam?

Mix your desired amount of herbs in a large pot of freshly boiled water (approx. 1 litre). When steam is at a comfortable temperature, sit over the pot for approx. 20 minutes allowing the steam to enter the vaginal canal. It is recommended you use some sort of steaming seat for ease and comfort but it is not necessary. If you feel like it is burning you, remove the pot of herbs and let them cool for five minutes. Extreme caution is advised as there has been a case of someone falling into the hot water and suffering burns. 


The type of pot you choose to use should be made of clay, glass or stainless steel. Don’t use plastic as toxins can leech into the water, spoiling your herbs. Wrap yourself from the waist down with a towel or blanket and ensure the steam is trapped. It is also important to keep feet warm during the steam and stay warm afterwards. Play some relaxing or meditative music, journal, read a book, or set some intentions for yourself. When you have finished, discard the used herbs outside in the garden giving back to nature what she has given you.


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