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The Red and White Moon/Menstrual Cycle

Claire Dixon

Is your menstrual cycle a red or white moon cycle? This depends on whether you bleed with the full moon or the new moon.

Menstrual cycle

I found that connecting to and understanding (really understanding) my womb and cycle started an incredible journey of self love and care. It really allowed me to turn inwards and has helped my personal growth in ways I never thought possible! Understanding our cycle - the biology and the energy behind it is a great way to get started. Below is an image of our cycle and what is going on physical and biologically and below that its a table showing the energies surrounding the four different phases.


Our time of bleeding is a sacred and important time for our bodies physically and for our mental and emotional well being. The first few days are the most intense energetically and it is okay to withdraw, cancel plans and give yourself some time off. When we bleed, it is a time for cleansing and renewing, this is one way our bodies can actually expel any built up toxins and this is when we let go of any build up of negative energy and emotions. So it is extremely important to allow this resetting to take place! We are much more sensitive at this time, both physically and spiritually and so it is a great time to really tap into your intuition and notice your awareness. Whilst you do this it is really an opportunity to turn inwards and use this time for some self reflection and self care.

Red moon cycle

This cycle is for when one bleeds around the time of the full moon (ovulate with the new moon). It is so interesting to me because when I started tracking my cycle years ago, and I realised that I had my period when it was the full moon every time and that is how I found out about the red and white cylces. The red moon cycle women are described as the wise, medicine women. Their energy is more directed at inner personal growth in order to direct their creativity and energy outwardly to the world and other beings. They are often described as healers and those who seek change for the better of the whole.

White moon cycle

This cycle is for when one bleeds around the time of the new moon (ovulate with the full moon). These women are described as fertile, nurturing women. Their energy and is more motherly and family oriented and their creativity is more directed at raising children or looking after loved ones or those who happen to be in their care.

Of course these energies will overlap and interact for everyone, some more than others. Only you can understand your cycle and use that knowledge to help guide you and direct your energy where it is truly meant to go by listening and trusting your body and instincts.

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