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Claire Dixon

Menstrual Cycle Tracking

Do you follow your menstrual cycle? Have you noticed how you feel, physically and emotionally, at different times in your cycle?


There are a few different ways you can track or follow your menstrual cycle. Probably the easiest, and my favourite way, is to us an App on your phone. You can also write down all the information in a diary or mark it on a calendar.

The image on the right is an example of what the App I use looks like. It is called P.Log and you can see my next period is due 27th Oct. My fertile days are marked in purple with the predicted ovulation day being 13th Oct marked with a flower. There are many different Apps out there that you could use.


The main benefits, and the main reason I started tracking my cycle, is that you know when your period is due, of course it may vary by a few days and start later or earlier than predicted, but that is totally normally. But having an idea of when it is due can help you be a little bit more prepared or understanding for how you feel around that time. Another big one, is knowing when you are fertile! This is so important for especially if you are trying to conceive or if you are trying to avoid getting pregnant.

Another great benefit that comes with following your cycle, is that you start to learn the different physical and emotional patterns that go with the cycle. For example, for me, physically I find that during my fertile days, I have a lot more energy. I want do things more, go out, dance, be creative, work compared to the week leading up to my period. Where I find I start to wind down and have less energy, I don't feel as social, I want to go to bed early and rest as much as possible. Emotionally during that week, I am also a lot more sensitive and find myself waking feeling a bit sad.

The biggest benefit for me, when I started tracking my cycle, is that I started to reconnect with my womb, my divine feminine. I started learning a lot more about myself, and with that came the courage to be honest with others about how I feel and to create boundaries if need be. I started to trust my intuition a lot more especially during those times when my sensitivity is high.

Tracking your cycle can really deepening your understanding of what is going inside your body. You can learn as little or as much about the biology happening inside of you. From the different hormones influencing you at the different times to learning the things that trigger you and what you can do about them. Knowing your cycle can help you to be your most productive self, for example planning on working on projects during your follicular phase, when you are most creative.

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