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How to make a Herbal Tincture for Allergic Rhinitis

Claire Dixon

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Allergic rhinitis is an umbrella term for allergic reactions to pollen, dust and pollutants. Symptoms include sneezing, nasal mucus, sinus congestion, irritated eyes, and even wheezing in the chest. This recipe is for especially runny nasal mucus compared to thick.

This tincture should be taken by diluting 1 tsp. (5ml) of tincture in 25ml of water, 3 times a day. This recipe makes 1 litre of tincture so if you do not want that much, you can half the amounts of everything to make 500ml instead.

These are the herbs to be used in this recipe:

· Echinacea – anti-inflammatory, great for colds flus and coughs

· Marshmallow – protects and soothes mucus membranes

· Elderflower – tone the mucous linings of nose and throat which increases their resistence to infection

· Thyme – antiseptic and antioxidant and helpful for asthma and hay fever


· Echinacea - 50g dried/75g fresh

· Marshmallow - 50g dried/75g fresh

· Elderflower - 50g dried/75g fresh

· Thyme - 50g dried/75g fresh

· Alcohol of 30-40% (preferably vodka but rum hides the taste) - 1 litre

P.S. For a non-alcoholic tincture replace alcohol with vinegar or glycerol.


1. Place the herbs in a large clean glass jar and pour in the alcohol, then close the jar ensuring all the herbs are submerged.

2. Shake it well for 1-2 mins, then store the jar in a cool dark dry place for 14 days, shaking it every 2 days.

3. Strain the mixture through a nylon or muslin cloth into a jug.

4. Pour the tincture into a clean, dark glass bottle and don’t forget to label!

This tincture can keep for up to 2 years if kept in a cool, dark place.

Remember that all herbs should be used responsibly, and it is important to understand that people may react differently to a given substance, and some are known to interact with certain pharmaceuticals. Whenever sourcing your own herbs, ensure correct identification of the plant in question as many useful plants can be confused with harmful ones, sometimes causing deadly consequences. We encourage you to make your own health choices based in accordance to your doctor.

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